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Narrow Toothed Bamboo Comb

We want you to feel beautiful with long flowing locks every day of the week, not just on Sundays or special occasions.

Be one of the many people around the world enjoying their journey towards more sustainable living while at the same time saying no to disposable plastics every day.

  • Our 100% biodegradable comb is perfect for those who want their hair-care routine to be stylish while still maintaining panda-friendly values!
  • It's strong and sturdy enough to smoothly glide over your locks without difficulty.
What's not to love?



Every item is hand packed into our signature Clearstone boxes which are,

  • 100% Recyclable & Compostable
  • 100% Plastic Free
  • Made in the UK from certified wood
  • Made with ink based on plants rather than petroleum
  • Vegan
  • Made with natural glue construction
  • Made from recycled materials
Each box is then packed with 100% recycled and biodegradable packing paper to keep your order undamaged during delivery.
We recommend putting all the packaging from our delivery in your compost bin for maximum sustainability. 

£7.98 £9.90