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Reusable Bamboo Household Towels

This might just be the coolest household item we've ever seen!

Bamboo towels are strong enough that they can withstand scrubbing, but soft enough that they're perfect for delicate cleaning.

  • We all know that paper towels rip easily and leave behind a mess when water-logged, but the Bamboo household towel does not, it is incredibly absorbent.
  • Bamboo releases 30% more oxygen into the atmosphere, absorbs more carbon dioxide compared to other plants and can grow 3 feet in 24 hours, making it the fastest growing plant on the planet!
  • These towels are ready for anything as well as being machine washable and you can re-use them up to 100 times.
When you're finished with one just put it in your compost bin and send it back to nature!

25 sheets per roll, 100 uses per sheet, 2000 uses per roll.

Washable in the washing machine.

Made from 100% bamboo.

Super soft, amazingly absorbent and strong, Biodegradable & Compostable, the packaging is 100% Recycled and Recyclable.


Every item is hand packed into our signature Clearstone boxes which are,

  • 100% Recyclable & Compostable
  • 100% Plastic Free
  • Made in the UK from certified wood
  • Made with ink based on plants rather than petroleum
  • Vegan
  • Made with natural glue construction
  • Made from recycled materials
Each box is then packed with 100% recycled and biodegradable packing paper to keep your order undamaged during delivery.
We recommend putting all the packaging from our delivery in your compost bin for maximum sustainability. 
